
Support the generation of tomorrow!

We're a nonprofit that relies on support from people like you. Thanks to your support we can keep our programs free of charge for rural youth and reforest the degraded areas in Southern Spain.


By donating to Regeneration Academy you’re supporting every year:

  • 30+ ongoing experiments on La Junquera and surrounding natural areas (on topics related to water management, crop management, nature & biodiversity restoration, social change, food, ecotourism, business)

  • 20+ reports on experiments published and shared

  • 580m2 gullies restored with participants

  • 10.000 trees planted in winter

  • 15 hedges and borders around crop fields realized with participants (last year 7m of hedges were realized)

  • 13 entrepreneurs inside and outside the landscape are inspired to incorporate 4 returns in their business model and are mentored to do this

  • 200 people engaged in the programs and open days we organize

Or compensate!

Each year we plant around 10.000 trees to reforest degraded natural areas and to create natural borders between agricultural plots. You can help us by offsetting your carbon emissions so we can plant more trees.

Calculate your carbon footprint through the Carbon Footprint Calculator and donate the amount you wish to offset.