Agrodiverso: Recuperando semillas de variedades tradicionales
Con esta propuesta se pretende un gran impacto social, económico y ambiental, aumentando la resiliencia de nuestra agricultura ante fenómenos adversos (alertas climáticas y sanitarias), asegurando productos locales de cercanía y por lo tanto, la soberanía alimentaria del territorio.

Esta propuesta pretende introducir una estrategia de innovación en el sistema de conservación de las variedades tradicionales de la Región de Murcia. El objetivo general de esta propuesta es revalorizar y dar a conocer dichas variedades a todo el sector agroalimentario, desde la producción hasta el consumo, haciendo una labor de recuperación de sabores y valores asociados a estas, a través de una metodología innovadora de selección participativa, que implicará a todos los actores de la cadena de valor de los sectores de consumo y producción, con el apoyo de técnicos e investigadores con experiencia en el manejo de variedades tradicionales. La accesibilidad a las variedades resultantes se garantizará con la creación de un modelo de negocio que aúne las capacidades de agricultores, divulgadores e investigadores y ponga en el mercado semillas tradicionales con gran potencial comercial, adaptadas a los retos del cambio climático e ideales para sistemas de cultivo respetuoso con el medioambiente, como el ecológico.

Where to start? I signed up for the Regeneration Academy’s one-week crash course, with the intention of gaining some practical knowledge and hands-on experience of what regenerative agriculture is, and how it can be used to restore ecosystems and food networks. In reality, it turned out to be so much more than this – it was one of the most transformative, memorable and joyful courses I’ve attended. The team was generous, open-hearted and welcoming, the food was a delight, and we came away feeling emboldened and optimistic as to the futures we can create when we work together towards a common goal. It was an extraordinary experience, and one which I can’t recommend highly enough.

The @regenerationacademy at @lajunquera are experimenting with, engaging in and researching regenerative agriculture in their 1700 hectare farm. They are brave and immensely inspiring, working at scale in one of the most impoverished parts of Spain where the land is being desertification by the climate and by conventional agriculture, as well as by the people and communities that used to inhabit it. This incredible community is proving that it is possible, even if not straightforward or simple, to transition to agricultural practices that revitalise both the planet and people. Last week we learnt about the power of context, complexity, culture and community ”

Arno Foppe
My research project at La Junquera made me experience the reality of regenerative farming and gave me the opportunity to contribute to the next steps on the farm.

— Paulina Binsfeld - de Bus
“Doing my thesis at La Junquera has broadened my perspective on regenerative farming a lot. Because it is such a big farm, I got the opportunity to learn about all the different elements of regeneration, not just the agriculture part. Living here and seeing the day-to-day activities showed me that nothing is perfect, it’s a constant trial and error, not a pristine concept. I also learned a lot about what my role can be in a community and what elements I want to take with me when starting my own farm one day.””

Sofía and Pablo
In this course, we learned about the regenerative model, a model that proposes a paradigm shift in the current agricultural system and that involves the commitment and fight against the loss of biodiversity, climate change and desertification. Through small seminars, debates, and above all, visits to the field, one knows first-hand what day-to-day life is like in the field and how to make a living from the regenerative business.
The course is taught by professionals in the field, who are the living example of the wealth that is generated there. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to make a living from agriculture, for environmental researchers, or simply for curious people who want to rediscover nature

Arizona Muse
“There’s a whole world beneath our feet that must be understood and nurtured, because most of what we need in life comes from the soil, grown for us by farmers. When constantly faced with the looming effects of climate change it is the most refreshing feeling to meet people who are working towards the solution. And not only that, but also teaching others how they can help to heal the planet too. Here on @lajunquera farm at the @regenerationacademy, we spent a week learning about Regenerative Farming with our hands, ears, eyes and noses.”